Last days to join the new ECIU University challenges at the UAB

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This unique opportunity will allow students to acquire skills that will be very important for their future, develop ideas in an international setting and come into contact with businesses and public organisations across Europe. Participating in these challenges represents finding creative solutions to real-life problems, thereby generating a real impact on communities and regions. Students can validate their participation with 6 ECTS credits.


Students participating in the challenges will obtain a certificate and 6 ECTS credits.

The UAB offers two new challenges, which will be open for applications until 9 March.

Reinventing food access

How we can combat the stigma of food poverty by implementing sustainable alternatives and new local circuits in order to distribute recovered food? How should we distribute this food among citizens, taking into account vulnerable people? Finding a solution to these questions is the starting point of this challenge, jointly proposed by the UAB and the Vallès Occidental County Council.

Students will be asked to discover new ways of tranforming food redistributions (food banks) with the aim of dignifying access to food and promoting social cohension, leading local projects that work towards reducing food waste.

In this sense, students will be working on proposals which may focus on identifying good (social and logistic) practices in other regions which could be transferred to the Vallès Occidental region, designing innovative formulas for the logistics and transport of food, identifying social needs related to having access to food and find new solutions that dignify vulnerable groups, etc.

The challenge is offered onling and runs from 14 March to the end of June.

Digital inclusion against social inequality

This challenge is framed under "Connect Barcelona" project, a pilot promoted by the City Council of Barcelona to address the digital divide through three strategies: provision of electronic equipment, access to Internet connexion and digital literacy.

The target of the programme is the inhabitants of the Trinitat Nova district, which is configured in social housing buildings. This neighborhood is being the most affected by the digital divide due to its socio-economic indicators. Special attention will be paid to 400 families who have received technological devices to connect to the Internet.

Students will be working on setting the bases to define and quantify digital urban policies against the digital divide. 

The challenge will be offered online, from 14 March to the end of June, although there will also be face-to-face sessions in Barcelona with international students. With the aim of making fieldwork easier for students travelling to Trinitat Nova, several mobility grants will be offered.

International Experience

Apart from the challenges proposed by the UAB, students can participate in any of the other challenges offered at the universities forming part of the ECIU University. At present, there are 5 more challenges open for applications at the University of Trento, the Kaunas University of Technology and the University of Twente.

Among the proposals available at the ECIU Univesity are also the 44 micro-modules that are open for registration and that provide information on specific areas (accessibility, languages, artificial intelligence, etc.) and at the same time work on fostering an entrepreneurial spirit, intercultural communication, learning foreign languages and other useful skills.

More information: Challenges platform
Micro-modules platform

ECIU University challenge solved, receives grant to implement second phase

This information is related to the following SDG

  • Reduced inequalities
  • No poverty
  • Quality education