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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB students to discover the US criminal justice system first-hand

23 Jan 2018
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The exchange programme between the UAB and the University of North Texas includes a 8-day stay for students of the bachelor's degree in Law and Criminology at the University of North Texas, Denton, from 3 to 10 February, where they will attend classes and visit prisons, the sheriff's office, the district attorney and also courts.
The death penalty still exists in many US states (in red)
Prior to their trip to Texas, students participated on 24 January in one last work seminar at the Faculty of Law given by Peter Johnstone, head of the programme at the University of North Texas.
During the 2017/18 academic year, the UAB offers an exchange programme between the Faculty of Law and the University of North Texas (UNT), where third and fourth-year students of Law, Criminology and Law+Criminology interested in specialising in criminal justice can participate.

Twelve students will participate in the programme and were chosen in accordance to their level of English, academic transcript and a short motivation letter.
The programme includes eight days at the University of North Texas, from 3 to 10 February 2018, with room and board (flight tickets are covered by each student).

Students will be travelling with two lecturers from the Faculty of Law, Josep Cid and Anna Meléndez, who at the same time are responsible for preparing the stay in Texas with three work seminars on the US criminal justice system before travelling abroad.

This programme includes several classes at the University of North Texas on specificities of the criminal justice system and particularly how they are implemented in the state of Texas.

The subjects include parole, access to firearms, the FBI and cybersecurity. Lectures will be complemented with visits to criminal justice institutions and professionals located in Denton such as jails, the sheriff's offices, the district attorney and courts.

During their stay, they will be accompanied by UNT students participating in the same programme who will be travelling to Barcelona in May.

Prior to their trip to Texas, students participated in one last work seminar offered by Peter Johnstone, head of the programme at the University of North Texas.
The seminar took place on 24 January and was entitled “The Criminal Justice System in USA”.
