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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

UAB approves the second wave of action and inclusion

07 Mar 2018
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The UAB approves the second  Disability Action and Inclusion Plan (DAP II) that includes the measures and the commitment of the university to guarantee the rights of persons with disabilities.
Segona Plan d'acció i inclusió a la UAB
The Governing Council of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has approved the PAD II on Tuesday, March 14. This second plan includes the measures, actions and commitments of the UAB for the inclusion of people with disabilities during the period 2018-2022. With the DAB II the university wants to go beyond the obligation marked by the LOMLOU (Organic Law 4/2007):
The Observatory for Equality, together with the Vice-Rector for Students and Employment, has prepared this document that aims to become a fundamental instrument for articulating inclusive policies at the UAB. The process has been based on three phases. In the first phase the Observatory has carried out a diagnosis that includes the following aspects: the evaluation of the degree of implementation of the first Action Plan (DAB I, 2011-2015), a compilation of the current regulations on disability matters, the diagnosis of the situation of people with disabilities in the UAB and the assessment by the disabled group of the difficulties and obstacles.
The second phase has been developed through a technical committee of experts from administration stuff, academic stuff and students. This technical committee has agreed on the concretion of the measures of the Plan. The third and last phase has been the discussion and approval of the document by the governing bodies, where the contributions of the social agents of the university will be incorporated.
The second Action and Inclusion Plan of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona includes mediations from the first Plan that have not yet been applied or are permanent. New actions are also incorporated to alleviate the problems detected through the diagnosis and changes in current regulations.
The DAB II is made up of a total of 32 measures, for each measure the executing agency, the instruments and the objectives of this are determined. All the measures and the scheduling of the objectives are structured in four axes: Visibility and awareness; Accessibility and mobility; Development of the activity and university policy and organizational framework.
