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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The year dedicated to mental health without stigmas ends at the UAB

17 May 2018
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«At the UAB this course we have done as a speaker to raise awareness about the stigmata of mental illnesses, and next year we will continue», said the vice-rector Sara Moreno at the closing of the activities framed within the theme of the main celebration «Mental Health , visible and without stigmas at the UAB »on Wednesday, May 23rd. In the act, the stable theater company La Trifulga dels Fútils, formed by people suffering from mental illnesses, has presented the show The Madness of the Birds at the UAB.
La follia dels ocells
"In a psychiatric hospital abandoned in the middle of the Balkans a young psychiatrist arrives to take charge of a group of ramshackle and handicapped inmates. But one night a mysterious trunk that will change their lives falls from the sky. "
This is how The Madness of the Birds begins, the last work of the Stable Theater Company La Trifulga dels Fútils and presented last March 25th in Sant Esteve de Palautordera. As closure of the activities framed within the motto of the Festival of this year, "Mental Health, visible and without stigmas in the UAB", on May 23rd the university community could enjoy this show in the Theater Hall of the UAB
Before starting the play, the vice-chancellor of Student and Employability of the UAB, Sara Moreno, has made a balance on all actions promoted during the course under the motto FM17, in which many faculties and services have participated: starting with the conference in October of Edurne Pasabán, followed by the blog of mental health, the labor market days and people with mental illnesses and even the agreement between the Parc Taulí so that the PDI and the PAS receive training in this respect, among others.
Sara Moreno has also presented some proposals to continue working from the university: the Living Lab created by the Mental Health Core, since it has done a survey on the emotional wellbeing of the community and facing the next course they want to act accordingly or the proposal to elaborate a proper plan against stigma.
The Trifulga dels Fútils was born in 2000 and is made up of people with or without a diagnosed mental disorder, professional actors and other people who do not dedicate themselves professionally to the world of theater, but who wanted to participate in this project. During its twelve years of life, the company has presented works such as Molière's Imaginary Sick or George Orwell's Animal Farm.
«The Trifulga is, simply, a group of friends with a lot of desire to have fun and give fun that make each other a (stable) company. We cannot deny the difficulty that represents, for a collective of our characteristics, to get to have fun, to become a group, to stabilize and, finally, to become friends that are accompanied. Achieving all this has, undoubtedly, a therapeutic and normalizing function of the Trifulga", explains the director of the company, Manel Anoro.
Mental health, visible and without stigmas
Following the motto of the FM UAB 2017, on January 25th, from the Community Involvement Unit, the uab.cat/salutmental blog was opened. In this space, students could find announced the different activities related to Mental Health that would be carried out in the UAB Campus, such as, Mental Health and the TV series: treatment and stigma. In addition, they were provided with a series of resources to be informed and combat the social stigma to which people suffering from mental illness are subjected.
