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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB will commemorate the International Day against LGTBI-phobia with the documentary "Lesbofòbia" and a collective painting at the Plaça Cívica

08 May 2019
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The Universitat Autònoma defends 17 May with the screening of the documentary "Lesbofòbia" by Creación Positiva and a following roundtable. The project to collectivelly paint the LGTBI flag at the Plaça Cívica started last year will also be resumed.
Dia Internacional contra la LGTBIfòbia 2019
This year the events for the commemoration of 17 May, International Day against LGTBI-phobia, include a day packed with activities. From 11 am at the Plaça Cívica the Observatory and Dinamització Comunitària have organised a collective painting. Following the line of last year's commemoration, this year we will finish painting the stairs leading to Edifici l'Àgora with the colours of the LGTBI flag.

The event will continue with the screening at 1 pm at the Sala Cinema of the documentary "Lesbofòbia" by Creación Positiva. The documentary raises awareness on the experiences of leasbians and defends giving them visibility. Next, there will also be a roundtable including the participation of members of the UAB community and many of the main characters in the documentary.

The two activities are open to all the persons willing to take part in them and, in addition, will be carried out during the Period of Campus Activities, some hours during which on 17 May there will no teaching activities.

In addition, Cultura en Viu, Dinamització Comunitària and SinVergüenza has organised for 14 May at 3:30 pm the screening of the documentary "I Hate New York", including the attendance of the director of this awarded project.

17 May during an increase of LGTBI-phobic violences
On 17 May we commemorate the day on which the General Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) approved to exclude homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). This is how what is simply a sexual orientation was ceased to be considered a mental disorder.

17 May is a day to denounce the attacks and discriminations still suffered by members of the LGTBI community. The Observatori Contra l'Homofòbia has made public that during the first three months of 2019 LGTBI-phobic attacks have doubled compared to 2018. Specifically, 35 cases have been registered, including the attack against Barcelona's LGTBI Centre.

In spite of this devastating data there is also a lot to celebrate, since the fight for trans depathologisation achieved in 2018 that the WHO at last excluded "gender disphoria" from the ICD and, therefore, has stopped considering it a mental disorder.

The fight for the eradication of LGTBI-phobia is present in a lot of areas in society. In the university area, in 2018 the guide "Guia per a la incorporació de la diversitat sexual i de gènere a les universitats catalanes" was presented. In addition, the UAB has a Protocol against sexual harassment and harassment on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression since 2016.
