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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB welcomes students to the International Summer Term

22 Jun 2016
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Màrius Martínez, Vice Rector for International Relations; Sara Moreno, Vice Rector for Students and Cooperation; and Carme Ruiz, Director of the Institute for Education, were in charge of welcoming the students participating in the International Summer Term 2016 edition.
On 20 June, the welcoming session for students taking part in the International Summer Term 2016 programme was held in the Lecture Room (aula magna) of the Faculty of Law. Attending the event were Màrius Martínez, Vice Rector for International Relations; Sara Moreno, Vice Rector for Students and Cooperation; and Carme Ruiz, Director of the Institute for Education.

Màrius Martínez began the session thanking everyone attending and all the work done to make the International Summer Term 2016 project a reality. He also spoke on the excellence of the UAB as one of the top institutions in the world rankings, as well as its implication in the field of research. Martínez took the opportunity to recommend students to enjoy their stay in Barcelona and Catalonia's culture.

Following the Vice Rector for International Relations, Carme Ruiz spoke on the work necessary to make this programme possible and presented the faculty members and subjects students will be taking.

Fiona Meghan Kelso, lecturer of the UAB Language Service, offered a short presentation on the linguistic context of Catalonia and highlighted the use of different languages at university, such as Catalan, Spanish and English. Following a short presentation, Kelso recommended students to practice the languages used in Catalonia.

Sara Moreno was then in charge of explaining the different cultural and social activities that will be offered to students during their stay at the UAB. These activities include human towers, or castellers, Spanish and Catalan courses, visits to Barcelona, etc.

The Vice Rector for Students and Cooperation made it clear that all students would have someone to accompany them during their stay and help them discover and become familiar with both the project and the university. Moreno also wished the students a prosperous stay and recommended that they establish ties with others participating and working on the International Summer Term project.

Finally, students and organisers were able to enjoy a snack together at the entrance of the Faculty of Law, where several UAB organisms offered information on their services for students, including the Area for Communication and Promotion, the Physical Activity Service (SAF), the Language Service, Cultura en Viu, Fundació Autònoma Solidaria, Vila Universitària, the Community Involvement unit, the International Relations Area and the Library Service.
