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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB turns 50!

22 May 2018
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On 6 June the UAB will celebrate 50 years since its founding at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities with a conference by Henri Weber, one of the most well-known faces from May '68, the presentation of the commemorative book L’audàcia del coneixement, a conversation between UAB and UAM rectors, and dinner at the SAF.
Sopar del 40è aniversari de la UAB
On 6 June 1968, the official state gazette (BOE) published the decree by which the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona was created. The university began its academic activities the following autumn with studies in arts and the humanities and medicine. The UAB wishes to celebrate its founding with a series of activities which will take place during that day and will end with the 50th annivesary celebration dinner.

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities, also celebrating its 50th annivesary, will commemorate the date with an illustrious guest speaker, Professor Henri Weber, one of the most renowned figures from the May '68 movement. Professor Weber will give a conference at the faculty auditorium at 12.30 p.m. and will speak on the sociopolitical context of Europe and particularly of France during May 1968. Alongside Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Alain Krivine, Henri Weber played an active role in the events which would mark a whole generation. A utopic ideal which has remained present until today.

In the evening, starting at 6 p.m., TV3 journalist Ramon Pellicer will moderate the presentation of the UAB's commemorative book L’audàcia del coneixement. 50 anys UAB which, under the direction of historians and UAB lecturers Borja de Riquer and Carme Molinero, aims to summarise the highlights of this past half century. Following the presentation there will be a conversation between Rector of the UAB Margarita Arboix and Rector of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Rafael Garesse, a "twin" university which was "born" at the same time as the UAB.
Later in the evening there will be dinner and dancing for all members of the university community at the SAF facilities. Beginning at 8 p.m., guests will be served appetisers outdoors and at 9 p.m. dinner will be served in the gymnasium hall. Music and dancing will start at 11 p.m.
