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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB to receive five Marie S Curie Individual Fellowships

07 Mar 2017
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Thanks to these grants from the European Union, the UAB will hire five post-doctoral researchers for two years to conduct research projects and develop further in their professional careers. The researchers will join the UAB between this April and September 2018.
The UAB will hire five post-doctoral researchers for two years as a result of the Marie S Curie Individual Fellowship call included in the Horizon 2020 programme.

The global call included a budget of 218.7M Euros, which will allow hiring over 1,200 researchers all over Europe. In Spain, the 21.39M Euros allocated will go to the funding of 136 research projects; the second country in amount of funding after the United Kingdom.

In order to receive the grants, applicants had to present their research projects and professional development and fulfil the mobility requirement stating that researchers could not have lived in Spain for more than 12 months in the past 3 years.

Projects at the UAB

Five researchers will join the UAB; the first will start in April and the fifth will form part of the UAB before the end of September 2018:

Danislava Marinova will join the Department of Political Science and Public Law in order to work on the project LABOREP- Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation. The project will analyse market segmentation and examine how inequalities model after political mobilisations. Her research will focus on the different effects of the economic crisis in 70 neighbourhoods of Barcelona.

Sergio Tirado will join the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology to work on the project TRANSFAIR - Unfair transitions? A critical examination low-carbon energy pathways in the EU from a domestic energy vulnerability perspective. His project aims to identify how a shift in Europe towards more sustainable energy production and consumption could strengthen the tendency towards energetic vulnerability. The research will examine cases such as renewable electricity cooperatives in Spain and multi-family buildings with advanced thermal characteristics in Hungary.

Lara Ivana Maestripieri will conduct the project VINe- Social Vulnerability and its Intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP). The project is aimed at disentangling the multidimensionality of the risk of social exclusion, focusing on vulnerable populations; specifically, those individuals who are in a fragile condition with regard to integration into the domains of well-being (family, labour market, welfare state). She will compare six European countries in order to study how risk of exclusion is affected both by individual traits, with special emphasis put on gender, and by institutional contexts.

Roberto Rubio will join the Department of Mathematics to work on the project GENERALIZED- Generalized geometry: 3-manifolds and applications with the aim of studying the topological varieties of three-dimensions, the 3-manifold, from the viewpoint of “generalised geometry”, a new approach to mathematical structures with applications in the field of theoretic physics.

Gian Maria Greco will join the Department of Translation and Interpreting to further develop the project UMAQ - Understanding Media Accessibility Quality. Now that high quota levels in the accessibility of audiovisual contents has been reached, such as in the number of hours of subtitled TV programmes, attention must be put on the quality of these contents. The project aims to provide a unified theoretic framework for the analysis of this quality, with the objective of creating a set of recommendations for the improvement of European policies which, in turn, would improve content accessibility.
