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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB to participate in a project to bring the Garraf Park closer to people

26 Mar 2019
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The Observatori de l'Urbanisme and the UAB Estil de Vida i Salut research group collaborate in the project with the Sant Pere de Ribes Town Council and the Barcelona Provincial Council to bring the natural park closer to people with the aim of improving their health and quality of life.
La UAB participa en un projecte per apropar el Parc del Garraf a la ciutadania
The initiative, which goes by the name of Sant Pere de Ribes-Parc del Garraf: Municipi saludable i territori de qualitat ambiental. Serveis ecosistèmics pel benestar de les persones [Sant Pere de Ribes-Garraf Park: Healthy Municipal and Environmental Quality Region. Ecosystem Services for the Well-Being of Individuals], is based on the premise that the management of natural spaces must not focus only on preserving landscape and heritage, but also in fostering its social use and favouring the sustainable development of the region.

The Observatori de l’Urbanisme and the UAB Estil de Vida i Salut research group, directed respectively by Francesc Muñoz and Lluís Capdevila, will conduct analyses and offer an implementation proposal, working with the community, administrations and the local productive sector.

One of the strategic objectives of the project, which will commence this spring, is to identify and communicate the region's benefits for the health and well-being of both the local population and visitors to the park.

The project aims to study this question specifically and transversally in the different municipalities in which the Barcelona Provincial Council and local authorities are in charge of the management of the parks' network of parks. At first, a pilot programme will be conducted in Sant Pere de Ribes and the Garraf Park, which will later be reproduced in other municipalities of the metropolitan and peri-urban areas. It particularly aims to connect with the towns in which guides for healthy itineraries already exist, such as in Sant Celoni, Castellar del Vallès and Badalona.

On 21 March the first public presentation of the initiative took place in the Sant Pere de Ribes Town Council, with the presence of Mayor Abigail Garrido and Deputy Associate of Natural Areas Jesús Calderer. Explaining the project on behalf of the UAB were Vice Rector for Innovation and Strategic Projects Javier Lafuente; and researchers Francesc Muñoz and Lluís Capdevila.

This project has been possible due to the collaboration between the CORE in Cultural Heritage and Mental Health.
