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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB to celebrate International Women's Day

23 Feb 2022
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The UAB will be celebrating International Women's Day, 8 March, with a series of activities. The institutional event will be held on Thursday 10 March, and recognition will be given to Faculty of Law lecturer Encarna Bodelón, specialist in women's rights and director of the research group Antígona.

Encarna Bodelón

The Institutional Award will go to law lecturer and director of the research group Antígona Encarna Bodelón, expert in women's rights.

Once again, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has organised a series of activities in celebration of 8 March, International Women's Day. The central activity will be the Institutional Event organised by the Observatory for Equality, to be held on 10 March at 12 noon at the conference hall of the Rectorat building. To attend please fill in this form. The event will also be streamed live on the UAB's YouTube channel.

The event will be inaugurated and presided by UAB Rector Javier Lafuente, who will then give way to UAB Secretary General Esther Zapater, and Observatory for the Equality Director Maria Prats, who will present the main lines of work of the Observatory. 

In this edition, the institutional award will be conferred on Encarna Bodelón, lecturer of the Department of Political Science and Public Law, in the Philosophy of Law Area of the UAB Faculty of Law. Encarna Bodelón is an expert in women's rights and co-director of the graduate programme in “Gender and Equality” at the UAB, a programme that has been offered jointly with the Barcelona Provincial Council for twenty years now. She is also the director of the UAB research group “Antígona” and forms part of the Association of Women Jurists. The award ceremony will consist in a presentation by Francesca Puigpelat, former lecturer of the UAB Faculty of Law, and the projection of a tribute video and gift for the honoree. 

After Encarna Bodelon's acceptance speech, another speech, entitled “Una lectura interseccional al conveni d’Estambul”, will be given by Ruth Mestre, lecturer in Philosophy of Law and member of the Institute for Human Rights of the University of Valencia, as specialist in Feminist Legal Theory. The event will be info-accessible, and will include sign language interpreters and subtitles.

Entrepreneurship in Feminine

On 7 March at 1:15 p.m., the conference hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies will host the 3rd edition of the Entrepreneurship in Feminine sessions, organised by the faculty and presided by UAB Vice Rector for Students and Employability Anabel Galán, with the participation of three women who will explain their entrepreneurial project.

The event will be presented and moderated by Dean Judith Panadès of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, and Vice Rector Anabel Galán, and will include the participation of Marta Hernández, co-founder of Sorellas, Elisa Lillo,founder of LiberGestión, and Paula Salinas, co-founder of KSNET.

Amelia Tiganus, activist against sexual exploitation

The UAB Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology will also be holding on 7 March at 9:30 a.m. a conference in which Amelia Tiganus, writer and activist against sexual exploitation and system of prostitution will talk about her experience. The event will take place at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities. It will be presided by Sílvia Carrasco, lecturer of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, and Joana Gallego, lecturer of the Department of Media, Communication and Culture.

Amelia Tiganus was a victim of sexual exploitation and human trafficking from 2002 to 2007, until she managed to escape. She is currently a leading figure in Spain as an activist fighting to abolish prostitution. In 2021 she published the book entitled La revuelta de las putas. De víctima a activista (Sine Qua Non).

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Gender equality
