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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB to boost its academic offer in English and interdisciplinary studies in 2021/22

11 Feb 2021
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The UAB will be offering new academic programmes next year that will focus on English as the course language and on interdisciplinary studies. The undergraduate degrees will be presented at the virtual open days sessions on 12 and 13 February.


This next academic year (2021/22), new academic programmes at the UAB will back the university's commitment to internationalisation and interdisciplinary training: Artificial Intelligence, offered 100% in English; Contemporary History, Politics and Economics, with 80% in English; and Science, Technology and the Humanities, which will be offered between Madrid and Barcelona jointly with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Universidad Carlos III, both members of the Alliance 4 Universities. A new study will be offered for the degrees in English Studies and Spanish Language and Literature. These new programmes, and all other UAB bachelor's degrees, will be presented at the Open Days sessions, organised by the UAB on 12 and 13 February, which for the first time will be offered online due to the current pandemic. This year, over 13,000 students have signed up, a number much higher of students than those attending in the past two editions.

The degree in Artificial Intelligence will be offered at the School of Engineering, but it will also include the involvement of nine different UAB centres. The degree will consist of 240 ECTS credits (four academic years) and will be taught in English. This degree aims not only to train professionals in the technical skills needed to design intelligent systems, but also prepare them to be aware of the human, social, legal and ethical implications of applying it in what is known as a Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, a hybrid, scientific-humanistic perspective which can also serve to reduce the gender gap so commonly seen in technical disciplines. The new programme will include the involvement of research centres such as the Computer Vision Centre and the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute. 

With regards to the degree in Contemporary History, Politics and Economics, which will also be a four-year programme (240 ECTS credits), a total of 80% of classes will be held in English and the degree will be offered jointly by the faculties of Arts & Humanities, Political Science and Sociology, and Economics and Business Studies. It will focus on the challenges of the contemporary global world, from the 1930s onwards, and will combine four academic disciplines: history, political science, sociology and economics. This new degree will train versatile professionals with an international projection and with the capacity to analyse and propose solutions to political issues and their economic consequences in a specific historical setting. Among the career options available for this degree, are consulting agencies, international organisations, chambers of commerce, logistical support to international research projects, and state agencies and public administration departments.

The degree in Science, Technology and the Humanities will take place at the UAB Faculty of Arts & Humanities and in two universities of Madrid: the UC3M and the UAM. All three universities, and the UPF in Barcelona, make up the 4 Universities Alliance (A4U), which promotes interuniversity collaborations. This is the third degree the two cities jointly offer. The degree will also consist of 240 ECTS credits, of which in the first and third years lectures will be held at the UAB, the second year in Madrid and the fourth year at each student's home university. This programme will enable students to analyse science and technology using critical tools from the humanities. The degree, devised so as to have the possibility to continue onto the wide offer of European graduate programmes, will serve to examine the connections between scientific and humanistic knowledge, and use these synergies to face the challenges affecting the modern world. Graduates of this degree will find career options in innovative sectors such as the development of techno-scientific innovation policies, the management of information in scientific-technical organisations and projects, and also in cultural management or scientific heritage sectors, university research and the teaching of science subjects, etc.

All of these new academic programmes, alongside the UAB's full list of bachelor's degrees, will be presented by the UAB in several activities lined up for the coming weeks. For more information please visit the See you at the UAB website.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Quality education
