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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB Theatre hosts a rehearsal of Mozart's Requiem

19 May 2023
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The UAB Choir, conducted by Poire Vallvé, the UB Pharmacy Choir and the Salvat Ensemble Orchestra, conducted by Ahmet Süleyman, offered on Wednesday 24 May, at 8:15 p.m. in the UAB Theatre, a general rehearsal open to the public of the Requiem Mass, one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's most transcendental works. This same concert will also be held at the Church of Sant Vicenç de Sarrià, located in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district of Barcelona, on Friday 26 May at 6:30 p.m.

Cors universitats

More than 60 singers and musicians from three musical groups with a long history made the UAB Theatre resound with the performance of the last work that the Austrian composer and musician composed before his death, but which he did not manage to complete. Composer Franz Xaver Süssmayr, who was also his pupil, was in charge of finishing it. The Requiem Mass, based on the Latin texts for the requiem, the Catholic liturgical act organised at the death of a person, is considered one of the most important geniuses in the history of sacred music because it captures religious sentiment in all its splendour.

On 24 May at 8:15 p.m., the public was able to enjoy free of charge, limited to the capacity of the space, a 50-minute piece that Mozart originally composed for orchestra, choir and solo voices (tenor, bass, soprano and alto).

This rehearsal, open to the public, was an opportunity to listen live to two university choirs with an outstanding history throughout Catalonia.

The Choir of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, directed by Poire Vallvé since 2001, was born in the Faculty of Medicine in 1982 by Baltasar Plans, the first director, who together with a group of students and professors took the initiative to create a choir.

The Choir of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Barcelona, directed by Ahmet Süleyman, is a musical group formed in 1994. In 2018, this choir founded the Salvat Ensemble Orchestra, a professional group that accompanies them in all productions that require it.

Members of the university community who cannot come to this dress rehearsal also have the opportunity to attend the concert on Friday 26 May, at 6:30 p.m. in the Church of Sant Vicenç de Sarrià, an idyllic place to listen to choral music.

If you would like more information about our activities, the programme or any artistic concerns you would like to share, you can contact us via email at cultura.enviu@uab.cat, our social networks or our Telegram channel, @culturaUAB. You can also subscribe to our newsletter so that you don't miss out on any news in the programme.
