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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB soon to celebrate Family Day

24 Apr 2019
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Never visited the UAB campus before? On Saturday 4 May we invite you to our Family Day  where you can spend a day at the UAB with your family and friends.
mara i filla amb el campus de fons
Come and discover the UAB Bellaterra campus, the UAB Sabadell campus, the Vila Universitària and all of our services.
Once again, the UAB opens its doors to students interested in discovering the university's teaching centres located on the Bellaterra and Sabadell campuses.

Family Day is a day to bring closer to future students and their families all of the UAB's services and centres. It is a good opportunity to discover the facilities through guides tours offered by lecturers of each faculty and school. Students will be able to visit the lecturing and seminar rooms, study halls, libraries, research labs, computer labs, etc. Different centres also offer visits to teaching labs, radio and television studios, simultaneous interpreting cabins, theatre halls, animal farms, etc.
Students and their families will also be able to venture around campus. A free bus service to help get around campus will be available, while members of the UAB will be there to explain the different parts and services found on campus.

This event is especially addressed to students already knowing what studies they want and the faculty they will study in. For more information about academic programmes students can also visit the UAB at the Barcelona annual education fair, Saló de l’Ensenyament.

Signing up for Family Day is simple. Those interested need only to fill out this form, select their choice of faculty, school or the Sabadell campus and choose the time they wish to attend, either 9:45 a.m. or 11:45 a.m. Place are limited. 

For those interested in living on campus, there is the option of visiting the residence halls of the Vila Universitària by marking the option on the registration form.

See you on 4 May 2019 at the UAB!

More information (in Catalan): 
