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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB reopens all campus services

02 Jul 2020
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The UAB reopens all of its campus services starting on 6 July, with a progressive return of its staff members in groups with the objective of guaranteeing the health of workers against covid-19.

Poster Virtual Days

Staff members will return in groups that combine onsite services with remote working

The UAB reopens all of its campus services starting on 6 July, with a progressive return of its staff members in groups with the objective of guaranteeing the health of workers against covid-19, and in accordance to the recommendations established by competent authorities. With this objective, the UAB will implement all individual and collective prevention and protection measures based on the instructions given by the UAB Prevention Service, in line with the Universities Sectorial Plan.

Once the state of alarm was lifted on 22 June, the UAB is now entering a period of blended methodology, with staff working onsite and at a distance. Its full effects will be seen in September, at the start of the 2020/21 academic year. Starting on 6 July, all staff members will return to their workplaces in groups and combine onsite services with remote working.

The following main principles will be maintained during the month of July:

  • All buildings will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Public support services will give priority to online procedures and telephone assistance. They will also limit onsite services to those which cannot be processed online and always by appointment, to avoid the presence of large groups of people.
  • Meetings may be held online or face-to-face. In the case of onsite meetings, the mandatory distance, safety and hygiene measures must be guaranteed.
  • The use of masks is compulsory for all those entering university buildings, and in any space or activity in which a minimum distance of 1.5 metres cannot be assured.
  • All buildings will include a place in which all staff members can access individual protection material (disinfecting gel, masks, etc.).

The UAB Contingency Plan is currently being drawn up, in accordance with what is laid down in the Universities Sectorial Plan (Pla Sectorial d’Universitats). This plan must include protection and organisational measures, as well as health and prevention and other specific measures to be taken in the teaching and research areas and shared spaces. It is foreseen to be passed by mid-July and will come into force in September.

Find all the latest updates at www.uab.cat/coronavirus.
