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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB ranks among the top 200 worldwide, according to The Times Higher Education

12 Sep 2019
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This year's edition of The Times Higher Education World University Ranking places the UAB in position 157 worldwide. The university improves its score in internationalisation, private funding and research citations, but falls 12 points with regard to last year.
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The UAB ranks 157 in this year's edition (2019-2020) of The Times Higher Education World University Ranking. The university improves its scores in aspects such as citations, internationalisation and funding from the industrial sector, but falls slightly in quality of teaching and in research. The position held by the UAB in the 2018-2019 edition was 145.

This year, the UAB once again improves its scores in the number of citations per paper, an indicator of the impact of its research: the university obtains a score of 92.9, half a point higher than last year's score. Another area in which the university has improved its score is in internationalisation, in which the UAB receives 64.3 points, up two points from the 62.2 scored in  2018. The evaluation of funding received from the industrial sector also rises in comparison to last year and goes from 42.1 to 44.8 points.

With regard to teaching quality, in which evaluations focus on PhD graduates, academic reputation, institutional budget and student/lecturer ratio, the UAB scores 40.9 points, three points less than in the previous edition. In the research sector, the UAB also falls slightly and goes from 36.5 to 36.1 points this year.

Among the universities in Spain, the UAB currently ranks second, behind the Pompeu Fabra University which ranks 143 worldwide. The ranking is led by Oxford University and the California Institute of Technology.

More information:
Times Higher Education World University Ranking
