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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB promotes the use of bicycles

12 Apr 2021
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The UAB is promoting the use of bicycles as a means of transport between the university campus and surrounding towns. In September work will begin to construct a bicycle lane connecting Badia del Vallès and the campus, and more lanes will be built from Sabadell and, in the future, from Cerdanyola.

Bicicleta Facultat de Veterinària

The UAB has begun to promote the use of bicycles as a means for reaching the UAB campus. Some actions are already underway, such as the bicycle lane prepared to be built between Badia del Vallès and the UAB campus. The objective is to split the already existing path and soften the rise to the campus, making it easier and safer. The lane will be four metres wide, with two metres for each lane, while the original path will be maintained for pedestrians. Work on the new bike lanes will commence in September and will be organised and executed by the Barcelona Metropolitan Area. The UAB has been involved in drafting up the project and has offered the land needed to have the lanes pass through part of the campus.

Another project that is being worked on is the bike lane between Sabadell and the UAB. The "Portal Sud de Sabadell" project aims to construct a new entrance lane between the C-58 motorway and the southern entrance into the city. This would free up the old road, which will be converted into a bike lane connecting the southern part of Sabadell with a bike lane crossing Badia del Vallès through the Sant Pau de Riu Sec (location of the Sabadell IKEA store). The dates on when work will commence have not yet been decided upon.

Birth of the BiciUAB Commission 

On 8 April, the UAB held the first meeting of the university's new bike commission, the Comissió BiciUAB, which aims to promote the use of bicycles as a means of transport when travelling to and from campus. With the support of the Office of the Vice Rector for Campus and Sustainability, its main objective is to improve the necessary infrastructures according to the demands of users, who are the ones to best detect any shortfalls.

The commission is presided by the UAB Vice Rector for Campus, Sustainability and Territory Carme Miralles-Guasch, and is made up of the UAB Mobility Management Planification Unit, as technical advisors, and a group of people and entities related to the UAB, from different areas, such as members of the PAS, PDI and Students groups, as well as bicycle groups such as the Bicicleta Club de Catalunya, Sabadell (BACC); BITTER, Terrassa; Som Bici, Cerdanyola; and Bici Barberà. Other members include families from the Escoleta school on campus and the Association of Neighbours of Bellaterra.

The first meeting was attended by a total of 14 people who discussed the main difficulties in reaching the campus by bicycle in terms of infrastructures, bike parks and services such as showers. The idea is to continue to work jointly within the commission to advance and provide improvements in these areas.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good health and well-being
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Climate action
