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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB passes its 4th Gender Equality Action Plan

13 Jun 2019
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Since the first equality plan passed in 2006, the UAB has constantly updated its policies with the aim of guaranteeing gender equality. Included in this fourth plan is a focus on the LGBTI perspective and in making sexism and gender violence more visible.
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The UAB Governing Council recently passed the IV Gender Equality Action Plan, prepared by the Observatory for the Equality and in force until 2023. The plan serves to articulate the gender and LGBTI (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersexuals) equality policies within the university setting.

As stated in the document's introduciton, the plan aims to provide coverage to three different challenges: introduce the LGTBI perspective and make sexism and gender violence more visible, facilitate the implementation and assessment of action measures, and involve the entire university community, including the institution, in the whole process and particularly in accountability.

The measures proposed in this plan are structured into five axes: promotion of a culture of equality and corresponding policies; equal conditions in the access, promotion and organisation of work and studies; promotion of gender perspective in academics and research; equal participation and representation within the university community; and promotion of an organisation free of sexism and gender violence.

The text first details the current regulatory framework in terms of gender equality and describes the European models in this field that were used in the creation of the UAB plan. This plan is the continuation of the previous plans passed since 2006 up to the present date and therefore also includes an evaluation of the results of the third plan, a diagnosis reflecting the shortfalls and the needs which must be covered in this new plan.

More information: Fourth Gender Equality Action Plan
