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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB once again ranks among the top 200 worldwide in the QS Rankings

08 Jun 2017
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The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona moves up 8 positions and reaches 195 in this new 2018 edition of the QS World University Rankings. The classification places the UAB within the 1% of the best university centres in the world.
Campus de la UAB (imatge de recurs)
The results of the new 2018 edition of the QS World University Rankings place the UAB at 195 worldwide. The university once again finds itself among the top 200 universities in the world, a ranking it had maintained since 2014, but lost in 2016, when it came in position 203. With regard to other Spanish universities, the UAB occupies third place after the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Barcelona.

In this edition, the UAB moves up eight positions from last year's ranking. With 26,000 universities existing around the world, the QS places the UAB within the top 1% of university centres.

The QS Rankings are based on four pillars: research, teaching, employability, and internationalisation. They use six indicators: academic reputation, employer reputation, ratio of students per faculty, citations, internationalisation of faculties and ratio of international students. One of this year's novelties includes the analysis of scientific citations during the 2011-2016 period, thus increasing the period analysed from 5 to 6 years.

In these indicators, the UAB stands out for its academic reputation (107th worldwide with a score of 72.1 out of 100), in citations per papers per faculty (289th with a score of 43.7), and employer reputation (310th with a score of 41.5).

The report issued by QS on each university shows that the UAB's scientific production during the 2011-2015 period is concentrated in the fields of Medicine and Life Sciences with 9,673 publications; in Natural Sciences with 4,963; and in the Technology and Engineering field with 3,561.

The results of the rankings can be viewed at www.topuniversities.com
