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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB offers a free "Creativity Workshop" for students and alumni

14 Nov 2023
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Creativity is one of the most sought-out skills in the education and professional sector, and that is why the Employability Service's Entrepreneurial Unit offers a creativity workshop for students and alumni. The workshop will be given by expert Maria Batet on Wednesday 22 November at 1 p.m. at the UAB-Emprèn space of the Plaça Cívica. Those interested can sign up to attend on NEXUS.


Creativity, fundamental for entrepreneurs and all other types of professionals

Creativity is something we are born with, but not everyone develops it enough, particularly adults. For this reason, it is advisable to discover and use some of these techniques that can boost and improve our ability to generate ideas and manage projects. This is the objective of the UAB's Creativity Workshop.

Expert Maria Batet, entrepreneur and instructor specialising in accompanying entrepreneurs, will be in charge of offering this workshop, which is free and exclusively for UAB students and alumni. The workshop will take place on Wednesday 22 November at 1 p.m. at the UAB-Emprèn space. The activity is organised by the Entrepreneurship Unit of the UAB Employability Service and forms part of the training sessions designed to help develop the skills and competences necessary in the field of idea generating and social entrepreneurship.

To attend, sign up free through the NEXUS application.


The UABEmprèn space is located on the first floor of the RR building, above the restaurant of the Plaça Cívica.
