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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB invites members to give their opinion

22 Jan 2018
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Everyone can send suggestions, complaints and even compliments through the form available at OPINA UAB.
OPINA UAB meets all requirements established for the internal quality assurance systems of centres.
The service "OPINA UAB" is a channel created by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for those interested in transmitting to the university administration their opinions, suggestions, complaints or compliments on any of the university activities and services offered by the UAB.

Members of the university community will be able to identify themselves with their card number and password, while non-members will need to type in an e-mail address.

A maximum of 15 work days are given to provide users a response by the administration. In the case of members of the university community, all communication will be sent to their institutional e-mail address.

OPINA UAB does not accept the following type of communications: complaints or observations addressed to the UAB Ombuds Officer, specific administrative procedures which already exist, requests for general information, requests for access to public information (in accordance with the laws of transparency), professional suggestions or complaints related to UAB staff members, complaints entailing some form of compensation claim, complaints formulated with the aim of denouncing events which could be constitutive of an administrative offense and communications in which offensive or inappropriate language is used.

This tool has been designed in accordance with the requirements established for the internal quality assurance systems of centres, and has been adapted to the needs of services intended to collect and manage the opinions of users, within a quality assurance framework. The OPINA UAB's management tool will facilitate the creation of follow-up reports and permit accessing relevant information for the evaluation and improvement of processes and services.

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