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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB develops ‘MyStone’, a new device for quick analysis of kidney stones

30 Sep 2014
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UAB, through the Group of Separation Techniques in Chemistry (GTS) and the Computer Vision Center (CVC), has developed a new medical device for the rapid analysis of kidney stones. The device, which is called MyStone, provides an individualized diagnosis in a few seconds. 
This rapid analysis will not only improve patient care, which will have in the same visit a diagnosis and a treatment- but also will reduce the cost of analysis because it will not be necessary to send samples to an external laboratory. 

The complexity of the disease leads to the formation of kidney stones of different nature, fact strictly related to metabolic disorder suffered by each patient. Therefore, it’s essential to analyze each stone to determine its type and set guidelines for patient treatment and diet to reduce the possibility of creating a new stone.

The development of the device, which was the winner of the last edition of the PRUAB’s Ideas Generation Program, has the support of the Catalan Government through ACCIO and Valtec Program, which aims to promote the technology transfer to the market.
