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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB creates the CORE in Education and Employability

14 Dec 2018
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With the aim of meeting the needs of society in terms of education and employability, the UAB has created a new strategic research community (CORE) whose main objective is to make the research into these fields more visible and facilitate knowledge transfer from researchers to their surroundings.
La UAB crea la CORE d’Educació i Ocupabilitat
The employability of graduates is something demanded of all educational centres and in particular of higher education institutions. The lack of correspondence between the education system and the demand for professionals generates undesirable social and economic effects, such as the loss of talent, sub-employment, unemployment and the inability to advance in certain economic sectors. Today, education must also cover an economic and professional perspective of a person; essential for becoming free, independent and critical thinking citizens.

It is for this reason that the UAB has decided to create a new CORE with the aim of contributing to the economic and social development of its surroundings, by offering the services and abilities of the research groups and institutions making up the UAB-CIE Sphere.

Increasing the visibility of research tasks conducted by members of the CORE, encouraging the research community to create synergies with other researchers and social agents (businesses, public administration, civil society and R&D&I agents) are the goals of this new research network, which be coordinated by educator Laura Palou Catasus.


The COREs are created according to strategic challenges identified at international, European (Horizon 2020 and the Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy, RIS) and regional scales. In this sense, the UAB has defined four large and essential social challenges: smart cities, cultural heritage, mental health, and more recently, education and employability.

The CORE communities have come into being thanks to the drive or researchers and the support of the Office of the Vice Rector for Research, and form part of the Unit for the Strategic Development of the Office for the Vice Rector for Research.

This activity has the support of the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Enterprise and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and co-finances with the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER).

More information can be found at www.uab.cat/core-educacio
