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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB creates a scenic arts research centre

20 Jan 2023
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The Scenic Arts Research Centre (CRAE) was created with the objective of promoting research in this field, fostering connections with other approaches and encouraging, recovering and disseminating material and intangible heritage existing in this field. Thanks to its creation, the UAB will be pioneering research into the scenic arts.

L'equip d'investigadors que forma el CRAE

The first directing team at CRAE is made up of lecturers Francesc Foguet, who is also the director of CRAE; Francesc Cortès, secretary, and Anna Corral and Daniela Palmeri, as members.

The CRAE includes the participation of researchers from five departments of the Faculty of Arts & Humanities and aims to be a leading scenic arts research centre in both Catalonia and Europe. Its fundamental objectives is to promote research into the scenic arts and foster connections with other approaches, as well as launch, recover and disseminate material and intangible heritage related to the scenic arts.

At CRAE one can find networks, groups, projects and lecturers from the UAB, and it is also open to new members from the university and from other places. The new centre will set collaborations and agreements with academic and theatrical institutions, and organise research and knowledge transfer activities.

The experience of 26 years in theatre studies and research participation combined with a long trajectory in the field are the pillars of the CRAE centre with a UAB seal. The centre also aims to give support to the university master's degree in Theatre Studies, the Scenic and Musical Arts Research Group, the International Network of Theatre Researchers from Latin America and Europe (RIITLE), and the different projects, groups and networks created in the future.
