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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB commemorates the International Women's Day

25 Feb 2019
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On Thursday 7 March at 12 pm there will be an institutional event as part of the International Women's Day at the Rector's Office Building's Assembly Hall. This year, the figure of Dr Maria Jesús Espuny, emeritus lecturer of the Department of Public Law and Historical-juridical Sciences and Director of the Women and Rights Study and Research Centre (CEDD) is recognised.
La UAB commemora el Dia Internacional de les Dones Treballadores
Like every year, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona organises an institutional event as part of the International Women's Day, as an answer to the measure "Organise an institutional event to coincide with International Women’s Day that includes recognition of a selected person, department or centre at the UAB for their work in the defending the rights of women", from the Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men.

This year, the career of Dr Maria Jesús Espuny, emeritus lecturer of the Department of Public Law and Historical-juridical Sciences and Director of the Women and Rights Study and Research Centre (CEDD) is recognised. Espuny has been Vice-dean of the UAB's Faculty of Law and coordinator of the degree in Industrial Relations Studies and the double degree in Industrial Relations and Law.  In 2016 she received the Distinció Jaume Vicens Vives a la Qualitat Docent recognition for her long career and the design of advanced methodologies adapted to the environment's socioeconomic context, specially in the area of Industrial Relations. She is also the co-author of the publication "La docencia del derecho con perspectiva de género", ground-breaking in Spain.

After the award ceremony there will be a conference titled "Discriminaciones invisibles en el trabajo de hombres y mujeres" by Dr Amparo Ballester, professor in Labour Law and Social Security at the Universitat de València.

The Rector of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Margarita Arboix, the Vice-rector for Students and Employability, Sara Moreno and the Director of the Observatory for Equality, Maria Prats, will also intervene.

You can check the institutional event's programme and poster here.

8 March in the campus

In addition to the institutional event, the whole UAB community is organising several commemoration events and actions throughout the days before and after the International Women's Day. The Faculty of Law hosts a conference by Rosalía Vázquez-Álvarez, expert of the International Labour Organization (ILO), where the "2019 Report on Wages and Wage Inequality between men and Women" will be presented. This conference will take place on 1 March at the Assembly Hall and has been promoted by the Women and Rights Study and Research Centre.

The Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, on their part, organises on 6 March a roundtable titled "Marx i els marxismes: visions des de la teoria feminista i els estudis de gènere", with the participation of Maria Jesús Izquierdo, Marina Subirats and Teresa Torns, sociology lecturers.

At the Faculty of Communication Studies there will be a cineforum around the film "Mustang", telling the experiences of a group of girls in present-day Turkey, which will be lead by Rosa María Palencia.

Finally, on 20 March, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities organises the presentation of the book titled "Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon. Geografía y género, disidencia e innovación" at the Sala de Graus with the presence of Maria Dolors Garcia-Ramon, Maria Prats, Mireia Baylina and Abel Albet.

On the other hand, UAB students are also preparing for the planned mobilisations in relation to 8 March with several activities ranging from a talk on repression against the feminist movement with the 8MilMotius accused to a feminist self-defense workshop.

You can check here the whole programme of activities related to the International Women's Day. Information will be updated periodically.

General Feminist Strike: we stop to change everything

On Friday 8 March a 24-hour general feminist strike with the motto "We stop to change everything" has been called. The goal of this strike is to give visibility to the inequalities in the distribution of reproductive and productive work between men and women and the discrimination situation this creates: wage gap, glass ceiling, sticky floor, work harassment, horizontal and vertical segregation, etc. Besides, another goal is to denounce the patriarchal violences suffered by women, lesbians and trans people every day, as well as the recurring violantion of migrant women's rights.

The demonstration will take place at 6:30 pmfrom Plaça d'Espanya to Plaça de Catalunya You can find the strike's manifesto and more information in this link.
