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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB comes together to demand dialogue and to protest against recent imprisonments

17 Oct 2017
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The UAB adhered today to the call for a temporary 15-minute halt in all activities at 12 noon at all Catalan universities. In front of the Rectorat building, UAB Rector Margarita Arboix affirmed that the university "will always be in favour of dialogue and the reinforcement of democracy".
La UAB es concentra a favor del diàleg i en protesta contra els empresonaments
Today, 17 October, the UAB held a demonstration in front of its different teaching centres in protest of the imprisonment of Jordi Sánchez and Jordi Cuixart, at a moment in which "dialogue and negotiations should be the options chosen to solve the political disagreement existing today in Catalonia". Rector Margarita Arboix added that the UAB "will always defend dialogue and the reinforcement of democratic structures".

Rector Arboix participated in the demonstration in front of the Rectorat building, where she read the university's statement affirming that "the imprisonment of the leaders of Òmnium Cultural and Assemblea Nacional Catalana, ordered yesterday by the Audiencia Nacional, and based on a complete confidence in judicial independence, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona laments what it considers to be a totally disproportionate and inappropriate measure".

According to Rector Arboix, "democracy, dialogue and tolerance have always been our main principles" and she assured university members that "now more than ever" there is a need for an open dialogue "without any prior conditions". She also spoke to the university community to show her appreciation in constructing a "tolerant university which respects democracy and freedom".
