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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB-CIE Sphere celebrates ERC's 10th anniversary

16 Mar 2017
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The UAB and the UAB-CIE member institutions will commemorate the 10th anniversary of the European Research Council on Thursday 30 March at 11 a.m., at the Agrigenomics Research Centre (CRAG). The meeting will unite researchers who have received funding from this European programme in the past 10 years.
10th anniversary of the European Research Council celebrated by the UAB-CIE Sphere
10th anniversary of the European Research Council celebrated by the UAB-CIE Sphere
The event “European Research Council: challenges and opportunities” has been organised in recognition of the 40 researchers of the UAB-CIE Sphere who have received funding from the programme in these past 10 years. It is open to all those interested in attending, and also aims to attract those thinking in participating in future grant calls.

UAB Rector Margarita Arboix will be presiding over the opening session, while Arcadi Navarro, Secretary of Universities and Research, will preside over the closing session. Lluís Calvo, coordinator of the CSIC Delegation in Catalonia, will also be present at the event.

The event will consist of the presentation of four researchers from different areas of knowledge within the UAB-CIE Sphere, who will talk on their experience working in research with the support of the ERC: Ana Caño (Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics), Marta Mas (Institute of Material Science of Barcelona), Isabelle Anguelovski (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology) and Mario Cáceres (Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine).

Núria Sebastián, former ERC vice president, will also talk on the strategic vision of the council and Ester Rodríguez, ERC contact person in Spain, will explain the procedures for those interested in participating in the calls.

Promoting Excellence

The European Research Council was created in 2007 by the European Commission with the aim of promoting excellence in research in Europe, through competitive funding programmes for researchers of all nationalities and areas of knowledge.

The ERC programmes (Starting Grants, Advanced Grants, Consolidator Grants and Proof of Concept) are open to the top researchers around the world wanting to conduct cutting-edge research in any of the EU member states or associated countries.
