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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB celebrates International Women's Day

22 Feb 2017
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A series of activities will be held on campus during the whole month of March in commemoration of International Women's Day, including exhibitions, debates, conferences, video forums, etc.
8 març 2017
A series of activities will be held on campus during the whole month of March in commemoration of International Women's Day. There will be film forums, conferences, workshops, debates, book presentations, video forums, exhibitions and a quick-debate marathon on gender and science. More information on all the activities can be found here.

Several UAB groups and entities have organised the events: Books Up, AIESEC, Doblement Rebels, the UAB Quidditch Club, the Centre Joan Rivière in Psychology and Gender, lecturer Montserrat Jiménez, students from the Faculty of Economics, Veterinary Medicine, Communication Studies, Education, Medicine, Biochemistry, Law, Political Science and Sociology, the master's degree in Cultural Heritage, Sciences, the SAF, the Fundació Autònoma Solidaria, and the Observatory for Equality of the UAB.

Once again, the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona hosted the institutional ceremony to commemorate International Women’s Day on 8 March, in compliance with the measure Organise an institutional ceremony to commemorate International Women’s Day, which shall include an acknowledgement to a person, a department, or a centre within the UAB which stands out for its defence of women’s rights’, included in the III Action Plan for Equality between Women and Men.
This year, the UAB recognised the career path of Dr Mercedes Unzeta, emeritus professor of the UAB Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She was recently chosen as one of the 10 most outstanding women in academia, according to the ranking ‘Top 100 leader women in Spain’ by the platform Mujeres&Compañía. Following the award presentation, Dr Maria Teresa Ruiz Cantero, lecturer in Medicine at the University of Alacant and specialised in gender bias in Health Care, gave a conference on Gender and Health Innovations. The UAB Ganàpies, human tower builders, participated in the event with the construction of a woman pillar. Margarita Arboix, Rector of the UAB, Sara Moreno, Vice-Rector for Students and Employability, and Joana Gallego, Director of the Observatory for Equality all participated in the ceremony as well.

Tuesday 4 April will mark the end of the activities dedicated to Women's History Month with a quick-debate marathon on gender and science starting at 10 a.m. During the month of March there will be several exhibitions on display: gender violence between couples (Faculty of Psychology), women in science and women astronomers (Faculty of Sciences), exceptional women (Plaça Cívica) and women workers in modern times (Faculty of Arts and Humanities).

Programme of International Women's Day activities at the UAB
