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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB and the PRUAB create the RIS3CAT community in industrial bioeconomics

20 Dec 2017
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On Wednesday 31 January the Eureka Building played host to the presentation of the Bioindustrial Community for Bioeconomics (BBCAT), a proposal to promote innovative projects which can improve the efficiency, competitiveness, profitability and sustainability of bioproductive processes.
Comunitat BBCAT
As part of the research and innovation strategy designed by the Government of Catalonia (RIS3CAT), the UAB and the UAB Research Park are coordinating the creation of a future RIS3CAT community to promote the industrial biotechnology and bioeconomics sector and make it become one of the main economic driving forces of Catalonia.

The objective is to create a group of R&D+I companies and agents in Catalonia to work on developing projects which would create a more efficient management of biological resources, with special emphasis on generating bioprocesses and bioproducts at industrial scale.

With the aim of presenting this new initiative, the Eureka Building opened its doors to all those interested in form part of this community on 31 January. During the presentation, the current state of the community and several project ideas were explained in detail.

The RIS3CAT communities
The RIS3CAT Communities were launched by the Government of Catalonia as part of the RIS3CAT Strategy for Intelligent Specialisation 2014-2020, through which different agents in Catalonia belonging to the R&D+I system in leading sectors could receive funding from the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF).

The communities are large voluntary associations made up of companies and research centres which promote joint actions with the aim of transforming economic activities through the application of cross-curricular enabling technologies. They are formed by a minimum of eight members, of which four or more must be companies. The remaining members may be technological or research centres, universities or hospitals.

Until now 5 RIS3CAT Communities working on 26 R&D+I projects have been launched. Through these five communities, 138 companies and 64 research and innovation agents in Catalonia will invest 43.8 million euros to develop these projects during the next three years.

A new call will open soon to begin a new series of sectoral communities.
