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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB and the Johan Cruyff Institute sign an agreement to offer a master's degree in sport management

15 Jul 2016
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Margarita Arboix, Rector of the UAB, and Mariël Koerhuis, Director of the Johan Cruyff Institute, have signed an agreement to offer an official master's degree in sport management, which will be available in Spanish and in English. The first edition of the programme will begin in September and registration period is already open.
Montserrat Masoliver, Mariël Koerhuis, Margarita Arboix and Montserrat Balagueró
Montserrat Masoliver, Mariël Koerhuis, Margarita Arboix and Montserrat Balagueró
The two institutions have signed an agreement to offer a master's degree in sport management starting in September. Lectures will be held in Spanish (on-site and online) and in English (online only). Registration for the first edition is already open.

The agreement was signed by Margarita Arboix, Rector of the UAB, and Mariël Koerhuis, Director of the Johan Cruyff Institute. Present at the signing were also Montserrat Balagueró, Director of Teaching Services at the UAB Foundation (FUAB), and Montserrat Masoliver, Deputy Executive Administrator for Academic Regulations.

Koerhuis and Arboix commented on the characteristics of the agreement and mentioned the different lines of collaboration between the two institutions which include the creation, together with the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, of a research chair dedicated to finding formulas to help athletes integrate into society once their sports career ends. With regard to academic programmes, in July the AUB offers a joint collaboration with Globalsportsjobs, a massive open online course (MOOC) on sport sponsorship on the Coursera platform.

Arboix highlighted the professional options available to students trained in the field of sport management, an academic area which "will grow", and resolved to work especially on the social aspect of sport, a world which helps "many young people to get their life back on track". Koerhuis also spoke on the work conducted by the Cruyff Foundation with initiatives such as "Cruyff Courts". Koerhuis also pointed out that strengthening the sports industry in Catalonia "must include training", especially at postgraduate level.

Training in Sport Management

This master's programme seeks to train up professionals who can use the tools of sport management to spot business opportunities, optimise resources and analyse information for decision-making, among other skills. Particular emphasis will be placed on incorporating the principles of equality between men and women, equality of opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility. This is a programme that up to now belonged to the Johan Cruyff Institute and will now become a university master's degree comprising 60 ECTS credits linked to the Faculty of Business and Economics at the UAB.

The master's degree is aimed mainly at graduates in physical activity and sport science, business management and administration, economics, marketing, tourism, and communication. Career options on completing the programme are expected to include business management in the sports sector, management of sports clubs, management of events and sports facilities, marketing and sponsorship management, and business start-ups.
