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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The UAB and Picasso Museum create the "Picasso PhD"

28 Nov 2019
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The UAB and the Picasso Museum in Barcelona have signed an agreement to launch the "Picasso PhD", aimed at offering doctoral theses dedicated to researching the painter from Malaga. There will a work meeting in December with teaching and research staff.
Emmanuel Guigon, Jèssica Jaques i Josep Ros
The UAB Department of Philosophy and the Picasso Museum in Barcelona have launched the "Picasso PhD" as part of the Contemporary Aesthetics track of the UAB's PhD programme in Philosophy. The objective of this unique initiative within the international academic scenario is to conduct doctoral theses dedicated to research into the works of Picasso from the perspective of contemporary artistic and creativity research.

The agreement was signed in November by Emmanuel Guigon, Director of the Picasso Museum in Barcelona, and Josep Ros, Vice Rector for Academic Programming and Quality at the UAB, during the symposium "Au rendez-vous des Poètes a Catalunya", one of the activities included in the PhD programme. The symposium, which took place at the Picasso Museum in Barcelona, had the objective of exploring something few people know about Pablo Picasso -Catalan-speaker, poet, friend and reader of Catalan poets: his relationship with Catalan poetry and his poetic connection to Paul Éluard. Both this and future PhD activities will be linked to the exhibition tandem formed by "Picasso Poet" (from 8 November to 1 March 2020) and "Pablo Picasso, Paul Éluard. A Sublime Friendship" (from 8 November to 15 March 2020).

The academic tutors of the Picasso PhD, who already are supervising four doctoral theses, are Jèssica Jaques, lecturer in Aesthetics and Art Theory at the UAB Department of Philosophy and main researcher at Artencurs, a teaching innovation project at the UAB, and Androula Michael, senior lecturer at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne and at the UFR des Arts, Paris. Emmanuel Guigon will be the director of the activities.

An Inter-university Mission

The Picasso PhD was born with an inter-university mission and in order to build an academic network, it has already programmed a work meeting for December with lecturers and researchers to study a possible inter-university PhD programme. The activities are addressed to students and lecturers from different national and international university PhD programmes (visual arts, museology, design, creative writing, scenic arts, music, philosophy, art history, literary studies, French and Spanish studies, gastronomy, street art, etc.), but are also open to the students and lecturers of undergraduate and master's degrees in these fields, as well as anyone interested in the work of Picasso.
