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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"The Two Sides of Elon Musk" at the UAB: a theatrical analysis of the tech magnate

04 Dec 2023
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On 20 December at 1:15 p.m., the UAB Theatre Hall will offer the premier of the "Les dues cares d’Elon Musk" [The Two Sides of Elon Musk], the first production that the historical dissemination company Línia Roja dedicates to the analysis of current issues.

Cartell horitzontal de l'espectacle

"Les dues cares d’Elon Musk" is a play aiming to created a place of reflection on the figure of the technological billionaire, considered by many a hero and by others a villain. Through a multimedia format and scenically similar to a "TED  talk", the play shows the merits and demerits of Musk, as well as his political ideology, his influence on society and his role in the future of humanity.


The show is presented as a fake lecture by Elon Musk, which is interrupted by an argument between two spectators with opposing opinions about him. The floor manager tries to mediate between them and open the debate to the audience, while images and videos related to Musk's life and companies are shown.

The play is written and directed by Marcel Vilarós, historian and playwright, who received the histroical consultancy of Victor Camprubí, professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and expert in Spanish history. The performers are Abel Bonet, Àlex Locubiche, Marta Mateo and Neus Martínez, who give life to the characters discussing the figure of Musk.

Those interested in attending the play must sign up here first

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