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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The two calls for the UAB Solidarity Fund have been resolved

20 May 2020
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The two calls for the UAB Solidarity Fund have been resolved. On one hand, under the framework of the XXXVII call addressed to professors and staff nine projects on cooperation and education for Global Justice promoted by staff and professors have been approved. On the other hand, ten master and PhD students proposals have been accepted under the framework of the E2019-2020 call.

resolució fons

The Solidarity Fund is a UAB means to promote university cooperation actions for Global Justice that contribute to the creation of favorable conditions to build a more fair, democratic, and sustainable world. The Fund makes two grant calls per year: one addressed to professors and university staff and the other one to master or PhD students.

The XXXVII call addressed to professors and staff has been resolved approving nine proposals. Five of them are projects of international cooperation and four initiatives in the field of education for Global Justice. This call has been modified due to the Covid-19 health crisis. Due to the direct effect on the international cooperation actions, the XXXVII and E-2019-2020 Solidarity Fund calls included a modification in point 1.3: Implementation Period in the Terms and conditions document. The other modifications in the calls can be checked in this document.

Under the framework of the cooperation projects with southern countries (1st course of action of call), actions of university cooperation aiming to improve the teaching quality and to create research capacities have been prioritized. The ten cooperation projects approved are training, research, and technical counseling actions, and the creations of strategic links among universities in health, environmental justice, migration, and gender equality fields.  These actions will be implemented when the health emergency will make it possible in Uganda, Mexico, Vietnam, Cuba, Mali, and Tunis in collaboration with universities of these countries.

In the course of action of education for Global Justice (2nd course of the call) four proposals on environmental justice, historical heritage and decoloniality, and critical education for global challenges will receive funds to be implemented in the UAB.

On the other hand, the E2019-2020 call conceived to promote participation among master and PhD students in university cooperation actions has been resolved approving ten projects directly related to the majors of the applicants. These projects will be developed in Senegal, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Lebanon, Colombia, Morocco, Mexico, and Uruguay.

As for the total amount allocated in the call for proposals addressed to professors and staff, the amount is 59,618 €. Following this point, 9,956.76 € are allocated to the call for students.

Link Projects funded FSXXXVII call (Professors and staff)
Link Funded projects E2019-2020 call (Students) 
