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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The project "HAMLETS" to presents its results

30 Jan 2020
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The project "HAMLETS. Immigration and sustainable development in small villages" will present the results of its fieldwork in Catalonia on Wednesday 5 February at the Palau Macaya in Barcelona, in a conference-debate forum which will include several representative from the entities and associations involved in the project. 
Micropoble Argelaguer
On 5 February, the Palau Macaya (Passeig de Sant Joan 108, Barcelona) will play host to an event in which the results of the fieldwork conducted in Catalonia pertaining to the research project on "HAMLETS. Immigration and sustainable development in small villages". The project is directed by UAB Department of Geography lecturer Ricard Morén-Alegret and is funded by the RecerCaixa programme (ACUP-Obra Social laCaixa). The meeting will also include a debate on the present and future of small villages in Catalonia and the presentation of the CAMIGRI project on immigration in rural areas of France.

The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. With a welcoming speech by representatives from the Obra Social laCaixa and the organisations collaborating with the project: the Associació Espanyola de Municipis de Muntanya, the Síndic d'Aran, the Consorci Grup d'Acció Local Alt Urgell-Cerdanya, the Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya, Unió de Pagesos, the Institut Agrícola and the Associació d'Empresaris Agraris.

Following the welcoming speech, William Berthomière, researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique de France, will present the results of the CAMIGRI project. He will then give way to the presentation of the results of the HAMLETS project by Professor Morén-Alegret and researchers Cristóbal Mendoza, Josepha Milazzo and Francesc Romagosa.

The meeting will close with a debate forum on the current situation and the perspectives in sustainable development at social, economic and environmental levels of villages with less than 500 registered inhabitants. Participating in the debate will be representatives of the Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya, Comissions Obreres, FEDELATINA, Casa Àsia, Associació d'Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya, the Federació de Municipis de Catalunya and the UGT trade union.

The project "HAMLETS. Immigration and sustainable development in small villages" has the objective of studying the human geography, sustainability and debate on the “existence or non-existence” of small villages with less than 500 people in Catalonia. The project's main hypothesis is that migration from within and abroad can potentially help to contribute socially, economically, environmentally and culturally to the sustainable development of many small villages.

The global results of the project, which will be presented at the end of this year, will serve to learn more about the arrival and adaptation of migrants to small villages, establish actions with migrants by implementing sustainable development initiatives and help municipalities with the arrival and reception of newcomers, with solutions such as the Geographic Information System (GIS) for Active and Sustainable Hamlets (GISASH), which was put into practice last year.
