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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The photographs of @marilobigeis and @silakotonaru win the Instagram Contest of Sant Jordi

23 May 2018
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On the occasion of the celebration of the Sant Jordi festival at the UAB, on April 23rd from the Community Involvement Unit, the Sant Jordi Instagram Contest was organized. The most voted photographs have been Mercè Audí and Cecilia Sanz.
Concurs Instagram Sant Jordi
After two years in which the day of Sant Jordi was celebrated during the weekend, on April 23rd the UAB returned to live this day with a lot of activities. On the occasion of this celebration, the Sant Jordi Instagram Contest was organized by the Community Involvement Unit. The winning photographs awarded with a set of smartphone lenses have been those of Mercè Audí (@marilobigeis) and Cecilia Sanz (@silakotonaru).
The contest was open to the entire university community and the participants had to publish photographs of St. Jordi’s Day at the UAB, reflecting the dynamism of the UAB Campus and the different ways of living the festival through the activities that were carried out. Following the rules of the contest, the photographs had to be unpublished and original works and should be posted on Instagram during the 23rd, 24th and 25th of April. To upload them to the network, the participants had to follow the @comunitatUAB account and use #SantJordiUAB in the post.
Sant Jordi at the UAB
On April 23rd, the Plaça Cíviva of the UAB became the nerve center of activities during the day of Sant Jordi at the UAB. The students were able to buy books and roses at the stands of the #SantJordiUAB Collective Fair, in which a total of 20 groups participated along with some services of the university, as well as enjoying different musical performances such as the Red Carpet Room or from the UAB's Dance Classroom, and to attend dance and swing workshops. An open-air badminton court was also opened in front of the Collective Resource Center.
During the day and until April 27th, students were also able to participate in the Stop and read photo contest, organized by the UAB Libraries Service. At lunchtime, also in the Plaça Cívica, the traditional lunch against food waste was held, where a meal was offered to the students in exchange for bringing food to be distributed at the Food Bank. Finally, as winners of the day, the winners of the Exchange Photo Contest and the Erotic Story Contest were announced.
