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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Observatory participates in the XV conference of the Network of Gender Equality Unities for University Excellence (RUIGEU) 2022

30 May 2022
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The Network of Gender Equality Unities for University Excellence (RUIGEU) is holding its 2022 state conference, where the Observatory has presented a paper on the experience at the UAB of the process of updating the 4th Gender Equality Action Plan as part of the application of RD 901/2020.


The "XV State Conference of the Network of Gender Equality Unities for University Excellence" event took place on the 26th and 27th of May at the University of Alcalá. This event aims to create a space where different universities from all over Spain generate a space for presentation and exchange of the different actions, methodologies and approaches of universities in terms of gender equality. 

Both events included various papers and tables such as “Las políticas universitarias en materia de género: avances, novedades y temas pendientes” and “Las Auditorias retributivas y los nuevos Planes de Igualdad en las Universidades”. In the latter, Maria Prats Ferret and Laura Duarte Campderrós, the Director and Responsible Technician of the Observatory for Equality of the UAB, gave a presentation. In this presentation, the representatives of the UAB Observatory explained the experience of applying the Royal Decree 901/2020, which resulted in the adaptation of the UAB’s 4th Gender Equality Action Plan (4th APG). This adaptation, carried out over the course of 2021, consisted in reviewing the measures of the current plan in terms of work-related issues, modifying them and structuring them according to the aspects established in RD 901/2020. This adaptation took the form of an addendum in the 4th APG. For the preparation of the addendum, a joint negotiating committee was set up with representatives of both the staff and the institution. 

In the second table, the lecturer Pilar Carrasquer Oto of the Department of Sociology of the UAB also gave a presentation as the coordinator of the ANECA Equality Unit. She presented the “La brecha salarial de género en las Universidades públicas españolas” report. 

Other round tables that took place at the RUIGEU state meeting were: “Las Unidades de Igualdad y la transversalización del género en las Universidades”, “Las medidas de acción positiva aplicables por las Universidades” and “La actuación de las Universidades ante los acosos sexuales, por razón de género u orientación sexual”.

The UAB, with Sustainable Development Goals

  • Reduced inequalities
  • Gender equality
  • Quality education
