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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The murals of the Plaça Cívica are restored on the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

24 Nov 2023
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The Observatory for Equality of the UAB has re-painted collectively with the UAB community this 24th November at 1 pm. The renovation has relied on the setting of the group Musical Sisters and the dynamic and artistic direction of Anna Carrasquedo

25N 2023 postacte

The Observatory for Equality and the UAB community have restored together the murals of the Plaça Cívica on the occasion of the Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The act has started at 1 pm. With a speech of the general secretary, Esther Zapater. The secretary has begun insisting on the increase of sexist violence cases in comparison to the previous year in Catalonia. Because of that, the secretary has pointed out that “university has two essential mechanisms for the transformation of society: education and acting”.  In her intervention, she has reaffirmed the compromise of the Executive Governing Body with the eradication of sexist violences and the construction of a feminist university. Equally, it has also being expressed gratitude to “the efforts and support received from the commissions and delegates of equality of centres, as the departments and all the stuff collaborating with the measures of the “IV Pla d’igualtat”. 

From the presentation, the general secretary has cleared the way for Andrea Ruedas, technical of the Observatory for Equality, for the read of the manifest of the commission “Dones i Ciència” from the “Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya (CIC)”. This year, the manifest points out the importance of creating feminist universities through the formation and incorporations of protocols against sexual harassment. This 2023 they have already published a guide-protocol to offer a frame of reference for the Units for Equality. Hence, the manifest points out the efforts of these units because of the drive to sensitivity projects and formations on this matter. Finally, the commission has proclaimed a strong worry for the increase of sexist violence in the digital environment, as the 80% of women have suffered harassment in the virtual environment, according to the information of the study “Mujeres jóvenes y acoso en redes sociales” of 2022. The reading of the manifest has ended with a minute of silence to commemorate the victims of sexist violence. 

Therefore, Anna Carrasquedo, graphic designer, has revitalised a communal graffiti of the murals. Paint brushes and paint have been distributed to the participant people, who have followed the indications of the artist. The mural will be finally restored in the following days and will be protected with specials products for avoiding future attacks. All his have been made more pleasant by Musical Sisters, a group of two vinyl selectors, who offered syncopated and Caribbean rhythms, going through R&B, early and northern soul. The Observatory has also distributed food for the community. 

The act of 25th reaffirm the compromise of the UAB with the battle against sexist violences. And replies to the “IV Pla d’Acció” for the Equality of Gender 2019-2023, which considers in the fifth axis the promotion of a free-from-sexism and gender violence organisation. In this, there are found the measures of prevention, accompanying and support, the protocols design and sensibilisation and formation. Because of this reason, the UAB has the Protocol for the prevention and acting against sexual harassment, harassment because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, and sexist violence. Otherwise, the Observatory has started up a “punt lila” in the “Comunitària”, the team of the UAB; as a space for rethinking masculinity; Els homes que volem ser. Equally, there also offered courses for the UAB community on this matter. 
