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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The LGTBI Universities Group celebrates Pride Day with different activities

22 Jun 2020
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The LGTBI Universities Group has scheduled a series of activities aimed at the university community on the occasion of 28 June, International Lesbian, Gay, Transsexual, Bisexual and Intersex Pride Day. 

Orgull 2020

International LGBTI Pride Day is celebrated on 28 June, commemorating the 1969 riots in Stonewall, New York. On the occasion of 28J, the LGTBI Universities Group has organised a joint online programme with several activities, round tables and talks aimed at the entire university community.

The LGTBI Universities Group is the first institutional network created in the LGTBI area in Spain. It is a group made up of 34 universities in Spain, among which the UAB participates through its Observatory for Equality. The group seeks to tackle the fact that in Spain, and in Spanish universities, there are still cases of discrimination against LGBTI people. The first action of this group has been the organisation of several activities within the framework of 28 June. 

Activities are planned for the morning and afternoon from 22 to 26 June. The virtual round tables will take place in the morning: they will present the results of LGTBI diversity projects in the working field; present ongoing research projects; provide information on Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programs of different universities in the field of diversity; and finally, they will present the lines of work and challenges posed by the state group LGTBI Universities Group. In the afternoons, talks have been programmed between two people from different institutions about the LGTBI reality in the universities, focused on different academic perspectives. In addition, on 15 July the talk "Dialogue on Resources for Future LGTBI University Students" is scheduled, in order to provide tools to future university students.

All activities can be followed live on the University of Valencia's Youtube Channel "Iniciativa Diversitats".  

You can check the whole programme here.
