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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The International Welcome Days (IWD) have started

13 Feb 2018
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The International Welcome Days (IWD) for international students arriving during the second semester started yesterday. They have been a real success.
International Welcome Days

The International Welcome Days (IWD) for international students who arrive during the second semester gave the kick-off yesterday, February 12th, and will end next Saturday, February 17th . The aim of these days is help new students to become familiar with the campus, services and groups of the UAB, and also to get to know other students, both local and international. The first day more than 300 international students, 15 groups and three services of the university attended.


The week at 12 am at the Plaça Cívia, where the UAB mentors met with their international students. Once together they could enjoy the UAB collective and services fair. The fair allowed newcomers to get in touch with the groups and services that can be found at the university. At the stops, the students received information and were able to taste food, although they also witnessed a small dance exhibition by the Korean Club and castellers with the Ganàpies.


At 1 pm, the students attended a welcome talk in the Cinema. The presentation was in charge of Mario Martínez, vice-rector of International Relations, Sara Moreno, vice-chancellor of Students and Employability, and Fiona Kelso, professor and technical staff of the Language Service. During the talk, Kelso encouraged the students to learn Catalan and Moreno provided them with information about mechanisms such as the Protocol of action against sexual harassment and harassment based on gender.


During the next few days, newcomers will be able to attend workshops and talks, and to participate in various activities. Among others, Wednesday they will be able to attend the inauguration of the Tandem Activities of the second semester and Thursday they will be able to go to an international lunch that will take place at the Centre de Recursos. Finally, on Saturday there will be a walk through Barcelona that will end with a picnic in the Ciutadella.


In this link you will find the program of activities of the IWD and the photografies at the Community Involvement's flickr.
