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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Institut de Neurociències celebrates its V Scientific Conferences

04 May 2016
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The conferences will take place on the 12th and 13th of May in the Medicine Building, to present the latest studies of the INc research groups and the doctorate students’ work in the field of Nervous Sistem Diseases.
V Jornades Científiques de l'INc
The conferences, which are open and free, are a meeting point for neuroscience and also a place to share research. Distributed in five sessions, they will offer a global vision of basic and clinical research that the centre’s investigators are carrying out at the moment. Also, they will show the ongoing doctorate projects.

There will also be three plenary conferences. On the first day Dr Núria Sebastián, a UPF researcher, will talk about language learning through vision in bilingual infants; and Dr. Ramon Trullàs from IIBB-CSIC and CIBERNED, will give a conference on mitochondrial DNA and neurodegeneration. On Friday, 13th May, Dr. Miquel Vila, from VHIR and CIBERNED, will focus on the role of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease.

At the same time, a scientific photography competition has been organised to illustrate the front page of the book of abstracts of the Conferences that will be edited later on. To participate, send the images to: comunicacio.inc@uab.cat.

Coinciding with the INc Scientific Conferences, a prestigious International Scientific Committee will visit the Institute to evaluate the research, teaching, transfer and dissemination activities.

INc's V Scientific Conferences Programme
