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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The IGOP celebrates its 10th anniversary

20 Sep 2017
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On Thursday 28 September at 6 p.m. the Auditorium of the Parc Tecnològic Barcelona Nord will host the celebration of IGOP's 10 years with a colloquium-debate with Teresa Caldeira and Fernando Vallespín, a commemorative video and a concert by Monique Makon.
10è Aniversari de l'IGOP
Teresa Caldeira, anthropologist and professor of Regional and Urban Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and Fernando Vallespín, professor of Political Science and Administration at the Universitat Autónoma de Madrid, will give speeches on current challenges in social sciences as part as a colloquium-debate moderated by former IGOP directors Oscar Rebollo (UAB) and Quim Brugué (UdG).

The event will also include the projection of a commemorative video about the history of the institute and a musical performance by singer Monique Makon.

The opening speech will by given by IGOP Director Raquel Gallego and UAB Vice Rector for Research and Transference Armand Sánchez, while the closing speech will be offered by Joan Subirats, First Director of IGOP and Sara Moreno, Vice Rector for Students and Employability.

The event is open to the public and those interested in attending should sign up at this link.

Moreover, the IGOP has created for its anniversary a website which includes the view of different experts who have worked with the institute and talk about its trajectory and role in academia and in society.

IGOP 10th Anniversary Programme
