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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The fourth edition of the UAB Floral Games is here

11 Feb 2021
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From the 15th of February to the 15th of March the deadline is open to be able to take part in the Floral Games competition organized by the Student Council and the faculties of Translation and Interpretation, of Sciences of the Education and Philosophy and Letters, with the support of the Community Involvement Unit. The goal of the contest is to recognize students writing talent.


As a novelty, this year's edition of the Floral Games will have the pleasure of having the figure of a godfather. In 2021, Arturo Padilla will be in charge of this position. 

On February 15 the call for the fourth edition of the UAB Floral Games opens or also known as the Floral Games of Plaça del Coneixement due to the location of the faculties that created them. The Student Council and the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, the faculty of Educational Sciences and the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, with the support of the Community Involvement Unit, have been organizing the contest for three years in a row in order to reward the writing talent of college students.

Until three years ago, the contest was only aimed at students enrolled in degrees and masters of the organizational faculties, but since last year, all students from any center of the UAB can participate in the contest, including exchange students and UAB ex-students. People who want to present their texts have time to do so until March 15 and must take into account the rules of participation, as well as the transfer of the rights of publication, distribution and dissemination in the different media available at the UAB. The writings must be delivered: Arial 12; line spacing: 1.5 and format: PDF through an electronic form. It should also be noted that each participant has the option of submitting up to two texts in any award-winning category: story, poetry or translation.

The court in charge of judging the works will be formed by the teachers of each one of the summoned faculties. The Educational Sciences teachers that will be jury on the category of creation-narrative are: Ramon Panyella Ferreres, Melinda Doodly, Xavier Fontich Vicens I Ana Maria Margallo Gonzàlez; the teachers from the Humanities faculty that will be jury on the category of creation-poetry are: Lluís Cabré Ollé, Bienvenido Morros Mestre and David Owen. And the teachers from Translation and Interpretation who will be jury on the category of translation are: Francesc Parcerisas Vàzquez, Dolors Udina Abelló, Ramon Farrés Puntí, Montserrat Franquesa Godia, Ramon Lladó Soler and Núria d’Asprer Hernàndez de Lorenzo. The awards ceremony, which until now took place at the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation, will take place on April 21 at 1pm.

As a novelty, this year's edition of the Floral Games will have the pleasure of having the figure of a godfather. In 2021, Arturo Padilla will be in charge of this position. Padilla, who combines his work as a teacher with that of a writer, wrote his first novel at the age of sixteen, El poder d’una decisió (Jordi Sierra i Fabra Prize). Former student of the UAB, he has published eight books and has a promising career ahead in the literary world. He has also won numerous literary awards and competitions. Winning students will receive a € 100 prize as well as a copy of one of the sponsor’s works.

For more detailed information you can consult the Floral Games blog where, in addition to the rules of this year's call, you can consult all the candidate works from previous editions.
