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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Autonomous University of Barcelona has now a protocol against sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation

12 Apr 2016
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The Governing Council of UAB, meeting in ordinary session on 10 March, has approved the Protocol against sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Protocol UAB
The Governing Council of UAB, meeting in ordinary session on 10 March, has approved the Protocol against sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. By approving this protocol, the UAB joins other Catalan universities which already have mechanisms to confront and prevent sexual harassment and harassment on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression among the university’s community, including the student body.

The protocol applies to all students of UAB and all staff currently employed or who have had labour or statutory relationship with UAB. It also applies to all staff from external companies contracted by the UAB to provide their services within the university’s facilities, and all persons who enjoy services provided by the University or engage in activities within the campus.

In order to resolve the existence of cases of sexual harassment or harassment on grounds of sex or sexual orientation, the protocol establishes the following procedure:
Any individual who knows about a case of harassment, whether he or she is the victim, may start the procedure by submitting a request for the attention of the Rector to convene the Technical Advisory Commission. The request, which shall be accompanied by a closed envelope containing the description of the facts, can be submitted in any office of the University’s General Registry, such as Academic Administration Offices, Teaching Units, or the Central Administration and Executive Offices (Building A). Model forms for the request are annexed to the protocol. The Technical Advisory Commission is composed by 4 experts, and is entrusted with assessing the existence of harassment evidences, initiating the mechanisms of assistance and support to resolve the case, and, finally, issuing a report for the attention of the Rector. The Rector, by virtue of his or her competences, may resolve to continue the investigation, end the proceedings by taking the appropriate corrective measures, institute a disciplinary proceeding, or file the procedure. It should be noted that the duration of the procedure will not exceed a month from the submission of the request -this period may be extended where necessary.

By approving this protocol, the Autonomous University of Barcelona further reaffirms its commitment to fight for the elimination of all forms of discrimination and violence against women, and to eradicate harassment on ground of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
