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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The 2018 Exchange Photo Contest begins

22 Mar 2018
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The deadline for submission of proposals for the X Edition of the Exchange Photo Contest began on March 13th and will end on April 11th, 2018.
IX Edició Concurs Fotografia Intercanvi
Students enrolled in the UAB during the courses 2015/2016, 2016/2018 or 2017/2018 who have participated in an academic mobility program, whether local or international students, can participate in the X Edition of the Exchange Photo Contest. The deadline for submission was opened on March 13th and will end on April 11th, 2018.

The aim of the contest is to capture the student's life experience in a situation of academic transition and, at the same time, motivate the community to participate in academic stays abroad to complement their academic training and promote the internationalization of the university. Each participant can submit a maximum of two photographs that must be original and unpublished, in addition to expressing and transmitting some aspect of the experience or learning of the stay abroad.

Between April 12th and 19th, all submitted works will be posted to an album on the Facebook page of the Community Involvement Unit for public voting. The jury, consisting of 2 members of the Community Involvement Unit and 3 students participating in the Mentor program, will select the winning photograph of this edition. The resolution will be made public on April 23rd at the Fair of San Jordi and will be published on the website of the unit. The winner will receive an instant camera.

In this link you can find the bases of the contest and in the website of Community Involvement, the winning works of the 2017 edition.
