TFGs promoting social transformation can now be submitted in three calls for awards
Once again this year, awards will be given to those Final Degree Projects (TFG) carried out by students of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) that promote social change or transformation. Three different calls are open: one for works with a gender perspective, another for those that address issues related to sustainable development and global justice, and a third for those carried out with Service Learning methodology.
Final Degree Projects with a Gender Perspective - 9th Edition
The Observatory for Equality, in collaboration with the Women's Institute of Catalonia, announces these awards to raise awareness among students on gender equality and non-discrimination by encouraging their interest in research. Those projects applying gender perspective to how they approached the object of their research are eligible for these awards. Gender perspective is understood as a critical approach to any phenomenon that unveils, makes visible, analyses or confronts gender and LGBTI+ inequalities, including the social and cultural institutions sustaining them.
Prize: Diploma for each of the authors of the winning projects for each degree and publication of their Final Degree Project on the Observatory's website. A gift will also be given to motivate the winners to continue their education in gender perspective.
Final Degree Projects on Sustainable Development and Global Justice - 8th edition
The Arcadi Oliveres Final Degree Project Awards go towards Final Degree Projects on Transformation for Global Justice. This initiative of the UAB Solidarity Foundation (FAS), with the support of the Barcelona City Council, exists as as a contribution of the UAB in the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals and wants to promote interest in research on sustainable development and global justice. The works that opt for this award can address issues such as climate change, human rights, citizenship, culture of peace, social economy, migration, community health, waste management, etc.
PRIZE: Total amount of 1,000 euros. Each of the best project from each area of knowledge will receive a cash prize of €250. In addition, the winners of each degree will receive a diploma and their work will be uploaded to the UAB Digital Repository of Documents.
Final Degree Projects with SL methodology - 4th edition
The Service Learning Office, managed by the UAB's Solidarity Foundation (FAS), will award the best Final Degree Projects that address the needs and challenges of civil society, in collaboration with social and environmental organisations or public centres and institutions, within the framework of the University's social commitment to its environment. This award is intended to recognise work that has been carried out with SL methodology to offer a real service to the community. Those interested should send a short video justifying "How the fact of having carried out a TFG with SL methodology enriches my professional outlook".
PRIZE: Total amount of 1,000 euros. The cash prize will be distributed among the four best projects in each field. In addition, the winners of each degree will receive a diploma and their work will be uploaded to the UAB Digital Repository of Documents.
The minimum score obtained by the TFG to participate in the awards must be an 8.5.
Registrations are open from 17 June to 27 September.