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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

TFGs for social transformation will be awarded

06 Jul 2020
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The UAB will award the TFGs for the 2019-2020 academic year that address issues related to social transformation. Through two calls, one for projects with a gender perspective and the other one for projects that address issues of sustainable development and global justice.

Premis TFG 2020

On the one hand, the Observatory for Equality in collaboration with the Catalan Institute for Women will reward the best Bachelor's Degree Final Projects with a gender perspective. These awards aim to raise students' awareness of gender equality and non-discrimination by encouraging their interest in research. Projects that apply a gender perspective in addressing the phenomenon under investigation can be candidates for these awards. A gender perspective is understood as a critical approach to any phenomenon that reveals, makes visible, analyses or addresses gender and LGBTI inequalities including those social and cultural institutions that support them such as family, sexuality, sexual division of work, socialisation processes, laws, beliefs, values and social norms amongst others. The award will consist of a Diploma for each of the authors of the winning projects for each major. The UAB Observatory for Equality will also publish the projects on its website. Each of the best Bachelor's Degree Final Projects awarded by area of knowledge will receive a minimum of 250 euros and the specification of this award in the Diploma.

On the other hand, the Fundació Autònoma Solidària, with the support of Barcelona City Council, is holding the fourth edition of the Bacherlor's Degree Final Projects Awards on Sustainable Development and Global Justice. This initiative is part of UAB's contribution to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals and aims to promote interest in research on sustainable development and global justice. The projects that are eligible for this prize can address the following subjects: biodiversity, climate change, human rights, citizenship, culture of peace, social economy, cooperativism, interculturality, right to asylum, migration, community health, conscious consumption, sustainable agriculture, green energy, waste management... This year, an ApS Mention is added to the best Bachelor's Degree Final Projects carried out with this methodology. The TFG with ApS methodology must make it possible to propose actions to address social inequalities or problems arising from the environmental crisis and to move towards models that contribute to global justice and sustainable development. With a total amount of 2,000 euros, each one of the best bachelor's degree projects for each area of knowledge will receive a total of 250€.

TFGs can be submitted between July 1 and December 1, 2020. On the websites of the organising entities, you can consult the rules and documents needed to apply.
