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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Sustainable mobility campaign

19 Sep 2018
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Twenty-four universities in Spain simultaneously participate in a video competition funded by the European U-Mob project to award the creations which best represent the values of sustainable mobility at university. The UAB participates as a project partner in collaboration with the company Vadecity.
The UAB, being a partner of the U-Mob, and in collaboration with the firm Vadecity, aims to foster networking among universities in order to guarantee more environmentally-friendly mobility options.

The campaign, launched by the project U-Mob LIFE (European Network for Sustainable Mobility at University), the EU's financial entity for environmental projects related to the conservation of nature and climate, coordinated by the UAB as a U-Mob partner, aims to raise awareness amongst the university community on the positive effects of a sustainable mobility management at university campuses. 

Travelling to and from university, both by people and when transporting goods, has important effects at environmental, economic, social, safety, etc. levels. These effects distance universities from the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030.

The campaign includes the participation of 24 universities in Catalonia, the Basque Country, Valencia, Andalusia, Madrid, the Canary Islands, Cantabria, Extremadura, Castilla y León, and La Rioja, and has been organised as part of the European Mobility Week 2018. Deadline for submitting videos is 31 October 2018.

Each university will organise a competition and choose a winning video. Winners will be able to choose from a range of prizes worth 500 euros, including bicycles, smart phones, computers or tablets. The best videos will be included in the U-Mob project and shared on the website with the aim of multiplying the effects of raising awareness at other university campuses through the European Network for Sustainable Mobility at Universities.

The videos must last from one to two minutes and should feature sustainable mobility aspects, problems and advantages of different means of transport, possible solutions, improvements, etc. found at their university.

With this call for videos, the U-Mob Project aims to further in the development of its two strategic lines: awareness of the value of sustainable mobility among the university community and working together in a network of universities and other collaborative agents. The U-Mob project and the CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) have worked closely together to launch this campaign in different universities of Spain. They also received sponsoring from the firm Vadecity, distributors of secure bike parking products.

Universities participating in the video competition:

-University of Córdoba
-University of Salamanca
-University Miguel Hernández
-University of Girona
-University of La Rioja
-Universitat Politècnica de València
-University of Extremadura
-University Rovira i Virgili
-University of Málaga
-University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
-Autonomous University of Madrid
-University of Valladolid
-University of Lleida
-University of Barcelona
-University of Cantabria
-University of the Basque Country
-University Carlos III of Madrid
-University of Murcia
-University Jaume I
-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
-University of La Laguna
-University of Cádiz
-Pompeu Fabra University


Video competition on accessibility and sustainable mobility at Spanish universities
