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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Successful participation in the 2021 UAB Floral Games

15 Apr 2021
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The adversities of the current situation have not been able to stop the celebration of the UAB Floral Games, which this year had more than 300 proposals. The participation has been very diversified, since in this edition students of all degrees and masters have been able to participate, including exchange students and alumni. Next Wednesday April 21 at 1 pm the awards ceremony will take place.


On Wednesday April 21 at 1:00 p.m, coinciding with Sant Jordi's Day week, the awards ceremony will take place. The event can be followed online through the Community Involvement YouTube channel.

The triumph of the 2021 UAB Floral Games has been reflected in the more than 300 texts that have been presented, making this edition the most successful of all. Participation has been very diversified, since this year students of all degrees and masters have been able to participate, including exchange students and alumni. An also notable fact has been the number of first-year students who have sent their works.
As happened last year, the poetry modality has been the one that has received the most deliveries: a total of 145 writings. Although the story modality has not been left behind either, since it has gathered 122 works. As a curiosity, it should be noted that in English and Spanish more poems have been collected than stories, but in Catalan the opposite has been the case. In the stories modality, works in the Chinese language have also been received. Regarding the modality of translation, 37 texts have been counted: English being the most chosen by the students (27 works), ahead of French (6 works) and German (4 works).

On Wednesday April 21 at 1:00 p.m, coinciding with Sant Jordi's Day week, the awards ceremony will take place. The event can be followed online through the Community Involvement YouTube channel. During the ceremony we will have the pleasure of discovering the authors of the winning works. It should also be mentioned that this edition has the figure of the godfather, Arturo Padilla, writer and professor at the university. The awarded students will receive a prize of € 100 as well as a copy of one of the godfather's works.

The court that has been in charge of judging the works is made up of teachers from each of the convened faculties. The teachers of the Faculty of Education Sciences who will judge the category of creation-story: Ramon Panyella Herreras, Melinda Doodly, Xavier Fontich Vicens and Ana María Margallo Gonzàlez; those from the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters who will evaluate the category of creation-poetry: Lluís Cabré Ollé, Bienvenido Morros Mestre and David Owen. And the teachers of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation who will judge the translation category: Francesc Parcerisas Vàzquez, Dolors Udina Abelló, Ramon Farrés Puntí, Montserrat Franqueza Godia, Ramon Lladó Soler and Nuria de Asprer Hernàndez de Lorenzo.

For more detailed information you can visit the blog of the Floral Games where, in addition to the bases of the call, you can consult all the candidate works of previous editions.
