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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

"Successful Investments in Science": meetup bringing together spinoffs and potential investors

21 Sep 2015
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Event taking place on Friday 9 October to present new opportunities in emerging technologies and applied science at the UAB campus, and aimed at professionals linked to the UAB.
The event "Successful Investments in Science" is a meetup for spin-off companies and professionals and investors linked to the university, organised jointly by the UAB Research Park and the Friends of the UAB Foundation and taking place on Friday, 9 October, from 4 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. in the Eureka Building.

The event will serve to present new companies and projects based on cutting-edge technology and groundbreaking business models, working in ICT, energy efficiency and biomedicine, among other sectors. The aim is to boost collaboration between companies arising out of UAB-campus research groups or centres and professionals and investors belonging to the Friends of the UAB. The participating companies and projects are AEInnova, AITech, Delectatech, Celifast, Oxolutia and Visual Tagging Services. These companies are seeking collaboration in different areas, from business management and sales to early funding.

The speakers will be Jordi Puiggalí, vice-president of the company Sctyl, and Xavier Verdaguer, serial entrepreneur and founder of the Imagine Creativity Center, TMT Factory and Innovalley.


4 p.m.                    Welcome address by the Director of the UAB Research Park and the President of Friends of the UAB.
4.10 p.m.

Lecture: "The Scytl success story: a company launched by the UAB that has achieved international recognition", by Jordi Puiggalí, vice-president for research at Scytl, a company established in countries like the USA, Brazil, the UK and Switzerland.
4.30 p.m. Lecture: "How to achieve success", by Xavier Verdaguer, serial entrepreneur. Founder of the Imagine Creativity Center, TMT Factory and Innovalley.
4.50 p.m. Presentation of projects (5 minutes per company and questions).
5.50 p.m. Cocktail and networking.

To attend this event it is necessary to register previously.
