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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Success for Ganàpies in the FMUAB

26 Nov 2015
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The UAB Festa Major saw the start of the castells season for the Ganàpies, where they successfully build a pilar de 6 amb folre. The performances go on and on 3 December they will be at the Diada Castellera.
Actuació Ganàpies FMUAB 2015
Joy following the pilar de 6 amb folre at the FM
On 5 November, after the opening speech, the Ganàpies set off the Festa Major with a performance in the Plaça Cívica and then they another in front of the Hemeroteca. On that unforgettable day, the  guest  colles were the Trempats of UPF and the Penjats of the Campus in Manresa. Together they created a great atmosphere and a huge crowd gathered  to celebrate the Ganàpies' first diada of the year.

The Ganàpies will always remember that diada for accomplishing a historical feat: the first pilar de 6 amb folre in the 21 years of their history. It was the icing on the cake of the Ganàpies' performance at the UAB Festa Major.

The Ganàpies will celebrate their own university's Diada castellera on 3 December in the Plaça Cívica of the UAB. On this occasion the guest colles will be the Passarells of the Tecno Campues in Mataró, the Engrescats of the URL and the Grillats of Castelldefels. As the members of the colla say in this interview published on the el Directori blog, “this will be a performance for sharing the castells, a hobby we have in common with other universities, and we will also be doing it so that the people of the UAB can get to know us better and get a closer look at the world of castells”.
