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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Steven Wise and the International Center for Animal Law and Policy (ICALP) present the film “Unlocking the Cage”

31 May 2016
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The film explains how for the first time ever a lawyer defends the right to Habeas Corpus for a chimpanzee.
Steven Wise and ICALP present the film
Steve Wise, professor of the master's degree in Animal Law and Society, and the ICALP will be presenting “Unlocking the Cage”, the story of lawyer Steve Wise, founder and president of Non-Human Rights Project, who for the past 25 years has worked to demolish the legal wall separating human beings from other animals.

The film will be projected in one only free session at the Texas cinema hall in Barcelona on Thursday 2 June at 10 p.m. Since places are limited, all those interested in attending should send an email to formacion@derechoanimal.info.

The master's degree in Animal Law and Society is a professional specialisation programme which aims to train experts in working with animals from a legal point of view.

“CyO Respecte als Animals” Prize

This year the master's degree will receive the “CyO Respecte als Animals” prize for its work in informing, raising awareness and vindicating the rights of animals.

The prize will be awarded on Friday 3 June at 7 p.m. at the UAB Faculty of Law (Sala de Juntes), and is open to the general public. The prize will be accepted by Dr Marita Giménez-Candela, director of the master's degree, in name of all students, lecturers and other team members.

The master's degree is offered in two modes, on-site and online, to allow students from abroad and working professionals access to all information. Registration to the new edition is now open and can be done through the UAB website, both for the on-site mode and for the online mode.

For more information:
Master's Degree in Animal Law and Society (On-site)
Master's Degree in Animal Law and Society (Online)
Programme website
“Unlocking the Cage” Trailer
Film website
